* Jason Healy <jhe...@logn.net> [2009-11-04 16:37]:
> The systems work great, but are chewing up about 60% of their time on
> interrupts (~9000 according to vmstat, with ~7500 going to the LAN/WAN
> cards).  This is fine; everything is working and I know that high
> interrupt load was inevitable at the time.  However, I need to ramp up
> the traffic on this system soon (we're at 30Mbps / 3.5kpps right now),
> so I want to make sure I can keep the load under control.

you probably don't need to worry. especially with em load doesn't
remotely increase linearaly with traffic.

> I know that the first thing I should do is upgrade to 4.6, which I
> plan to do.  However, I'm looking for other "best practices", which
> I've divided into two major sections below:

yes, 4.6 is MUCH faster than 4.3.

> Interrupt Mitigation:
> =====================
> Since the system is under moderately heavy interrupt load, I'd like to
> try and improve that if possible since it seems that's going to be the
> first limit I hit on this system.  In the "Tuning OpenBSD" paper:
>   http://www.openbsd.org/papers/tuning-openbsd.ps
> they mention "sharing interrupts" on a high load system.  If I
> understand correctly, the theory is that if all my NICs are on the
> same interrupt, the kernel can stay in the interrupt handler (no
> context switch) and service all the NICs at once, rather than handling
> each separately.  Am I understanding this right?  Should I try to lump
> all (or some) of my NICs onto the same IRQ?  Or are there better
> approaches (see below).

i doubt that makes a difference these days. i don't worry any more.

> Several sources have suggested using APIC, which should be available
> in non-ancient hardware.  I'm not sure if APIC replaces or complements
> the suggestion above about interrupt sharing.  I checked my box, and
> my dmesg didn't mention APIC, so I don't think I'm taking advantage
> of it right now.  The -misc archives have oblique references to APIC
> only being enabled on multiprocessor (MP) kernels rather than
> uniprocessor (UP) ones.  Is this still true?  I also saw hints that
> 4.6 now has APIC on in UP by default.  Can anyone confirm or deny?

4.6 will just use the APIC.

> Since PF isn't multi-core capable, I believed that UP was the way to
> go for firewalls (and my machine isn't multicore anyway).  However,
> I'm happy to run MP if there are side benefits like APIC that would
> increase performance.
> Next up, FreeBSD has been touting support for message-signaled
> interrupts (MSI/MSI-X), claiming that this increases performance:
>   http://onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2008/02/26/whats-new-in-freebsd-70.html?page=4
> I'm not quite clear on whether this helps with a packet-forwarding
> workload or not.  Is there support for this in OpenBSD, or would it
> not really help anyway?

no support.

> I've been getting errors like:
>   WARNING: mclpool limit reached; increase kern.maxclusters
> So I did what it asked (I doubled the value to 12288), but am still
> getting the error.  I've heard of people increasing this much more
> (20x the default!), but also taunts of insanity for doing so:
>   http://monkey.org/openbsd/archive/misc/0407/msg01521.html
> So, what is a sane value for this?

there is no easy or one-size-fits-all answer.

> Next, I've seen interface drops (ifq.drops != 0), so I've cranked up
> ifq.maxlen to 256 * #nics (1024) per recommendations on -misc.  I
> was still getting occasional drops, so I doubled to 2048, and am
> holding steady there.  I've seen recommendations not to go beyond
> 2500; what should I be worried about in this case?  High latency?
> Memory issues?  Do I really need to be worried about a few drops?

latency mostly. memory isn't that much of an issue for this.
i do have systems beyond 2500, but they handle many hundred MBit/s.

> Finally, as was mentioned on the list a few days ago, increasing
> recvspace/sendspace doesn't help with a firewall (except for
> locally-sourced connections) because it's just forwarding packets.


> Just so I'm totally clear, is this true even in the case of packet
> reassembly (scrub) and randomization, or do those features cause the
> firewall to terminate and re-initiate connections that would benefit
> from the buffers?

doesn't change a thing. send/recvspace only apply to sockets, aka
stuff in userland.

> For that matter, are there any protocol options that help performance
> of a packet forwarding box (again, ignoring locally-sourced
> connections)?  I'm thinking about buffers, default MSS, ECN, window
> scaling, SACK, etc.  I know it doesn't hurt to turn them on, but am I
> doing any good for the connections I'm forwarding?
> Thanks for any input and advice you can provide; I'm looking forward
> to using PF for another 10 years... =)

just use 4.6 and don't push buttons - you won't need to.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
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