On Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 11:06:42AM -0600, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> - what is the best facility to log wifi usage to syslog on an openbsd  
> host? have used hostapd in the past, it's pretty sweet but not practical  
> for guest users or wireless appliances

Some APs can log associations to remote syslog servers. What exactly do
you want to log?

> - are there any recommended appliance wifi routers that will play nice  
> with openbsd? i am looking for higher end hardware, not commodity junk  
> that will save me money but cost me maintenance time later. i think i  
> heard something about APs that can handle multiple nwids on multiple  
> channels, this may be heresy

More enterprise-y APs support multiple SSIDs on one channel, or multiple
channels, and bridge those to separate VLANs.

> - which particular wifi interfaces are suggested for hostap mode over  
> others? i haven't used hostap mode for several years since i had  
> problems with needing to periodically (~monthly) take the hostap  
> interface up and down

Lack of powersave support on ral has made it hard to find a hostap card
that works with all devices.

> - how should i avoid band over-occupancy issues to ensure decent  
> throughput on my networks?

Find free channels and hope for the best. Use channels as far away from
each other as you can. Don't worry about throughput until you've proven
it is an issue.

Get 3 cheap access points and a spare. Even expensive APs tend to run
hot and be somewhat unreliable, this also allows you to position the APs
optimally. If you need to drive to change the broken AP, buy a more
expensive one and hope for the best.

Ignore WLAN "security" if you can and use IPSec or something similar
that is truly secure and not a pain in the butt.

Jussi Peltola

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