> Okay, one last question: one of the original softdep papers
> (http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/bsdcon02/mckusick.htm
> l)
> is all about how softdeps can avoid fsck, but I just set softdep on
> all my filesystems, rebooted (to start fresh), wrote some files, wrote
> some more files, edited the first files, and jacked the power plug
> right after it said "wrote". When the system came up fsck ran, what
> gives? Does OpenBSD only implement softdep for the write speedups?
> I'm just really confused about what softdep -is- I guess. What
> semantics get changed? Do all the BSDs use the same softdep code? Did
> they pick and choose ideas from the original softdep papers?

You are misreading the fsck manual page.  Let me take you through it:

     fsck - file system consistency check and interactive repair

Note what it says carefully. It says "file system".  It does not
say "file consistency check and interactive repair".

If you want your files to not lose a byte, use the "sync" option.
Come on.  Just do it.  Give it a try.  Then you will understand.

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