On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 08:10:31PM +0100, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> I used to call programs not supporting libreadline with the rlfe
> wrapper which added history and commandline editing.
> Is there such a thing for OpenBSD?

Information for inst:rlwrap-0.28

generic readline wrapper for various programs

rlwrap is a 'readline wrapper', a small utility that uses the GNU
readline library to allow the editing of keyboard input for any
command.  rlwrap should be especially useful when you need
user-defined completion (by way of completion word lists) and
persistent history. 

Maintainer: Deanna Phillips <dea...@openbsd.org>

WWW: http://utopia.knoware.nl/~hlub/uck/rlwrap/


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