On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:10:12 +1100
John <john.n.t...@live.com> wrote:

> I am having trouble with installing a package, php5-core for OpenBSD
> 4.6 (i386). There is a dependency that cannot be resolved. php5-core
> requires libiconv-1.12, and a package only exists for libiconv-1.13.
> # pkg_add -r
> php5-core Can't install php5-core-5.2.10: lib not found iconv.6.0
> Dependencies for php5-core-5.2.10 resolve to: libiconv-1.12,
> libxml-2.6.32p3, gettext-0.17p0
> Full dependency tree is libiconv-1.12,libxml-2.6.32p3,gettext-0.17p0
> iconv.6.0: partial match in /usr/local/lib: major=5, minor=0 (bad
> major)


# ftp ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.6/packages/i386/php5-core-5.2.10.tgz
# pkg_info -f ./php5-core-5.2.10.tgz | grep iconv
@depend converters/libiconv:libiconv-*:libiconv-1.13
@wantlib iconv.6.0

i see a dep on 1.13, not 1.12.

why "pkg_add -r"?
do you have another php5-core installed that you want to replace?
"-r"/replace doesn't make much sense if you want to install a package.
are you updating your packages after an upgrade to 4.6?
if so, give "-F update,updatedepends" a try and let pkg_add do it's
"-u" magic.

- Robert

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