
I have an OpenBGP device and I need to find out which ASN demands more
bandwidth to do some sort of traffic policy engineering. Therefore I
need to know if there is any software that is able to export netflow
data including SRC/DST AS on an OpenBGP system. I have used pfflow and
softflowd but on the second AS is always '0' and pfflow will depend on
the ability to have pf data per ASN.

I know I can set up some rtlabel or pftable to allow OBGP interaction
with PF. However, I would need to manually set the whole scenario and
the reliability of my information would depend on my observation of
potential ASN to be tracked. Its OK but this way I miss the behavior
deviations, if a certain quiet ASN suddenly raises traffic and later
lowers it back again.

So, how options we have?

Thank you in advance.

Eduardo Meyer
pessoal: dudu.me...@gmail.com
profissional: ddm.farmac...@saude.gov.br

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