Mikael Bak schrieb:
Hi list,

Seems to me that this card isn't recognized at boot time (dmesg pasted at the 
end of this email). It's a PCMCIA card. Instead of a wifi device OpenBSD tries 
to allocate a serial port (com3).
Hi Mikael,

some time ago I had a usb wlan adapter from avaya at hand http://old.nabble.com/AVAYA-Wireless-USB-Client-%28Gold%29-td21817914.html It turned out, then when opening the cover of the desk stand it was nothing more than a pcmcia card attached to a usb adapter. Avaya used also orinoco chips in their products, and it was back in times of 802.11b and wep was believed/announced to be totally secure.
I suspect whether you have anything newer that would be worth investigating?


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