OK, so (despite running -stable, not -current) smtpd(8) seems to be 
working well for me in local testing.  I love the compact configuration 
system.  There may come a time when I need more flexibility to handle 
corner cases, but until then I'll gladly use an MTA that only needs ~10 
lines of config file!

I wish to integrate SpamAssassin before moving my MX records.

Is it correct to say that SpamAssassin can be used as a filter, i.e. it 
takes the unchanged message on stdin and emits a changed message on 

It seems obvious that I can tie smtpd(8) and spamc(1L) together with 
procmail(1L); smtpd(8) seems to have no issue whatsoever with using 
procmail as its MDA.  I then would configure procmail to invoke 
SpamAssassin in the "site-wide" scenario that is reasonably well-

Is there a better way?  Can I skip procmail?  (Do I want to?  Procmail 
also seems to be the only way to have Maildir-format for some users and 
mbox-format for others, when using smtpd(8).)  Is there any (useful) way 
to invoke spamc(1L) as an MDA?

FYI:  For those of you who are wondering why I'm not just slapping this 
together and hoping for the best, i.e. why do I keep whining on -misc 
when I already seem to know the answers... as soon as I change the MX 
record, this server will be immediately hit with peaks of up to ~
2kmsgs/hr and will sustain constant levels of ~10kmsgs/day with 
occasional peaks to ~20kmsgs/day.  Approximately 50 msgs/day (0.5%) of 
that is *not* spam.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice.
-Adam Thompson

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