On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Tomas Bodzar <tomas.bod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use default fvwm(1) and I'm happy with that. I tried cwm(1) after
> this post http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20090502141551
> and I found it very clean and useful, but I still use fvwm(1). Anyway
> I plan to try this one http://www.scrotwm.org/

I never figured out fvwm. It has multiple desktops and you can drag
windows between them but it jumps them too far too easily. Tell me,
what's the appeal? I'm willing to think I'm just not understanding it
(though points should always be allotted for intuitiveness).

I use wmii with a bunch of dmenu custom menus. I haven't found a file
manager I like (xfe is the best so far, but it uses some weird custom
toolkit, thunar is nice but really wants famd, which for some reason
seems associated with trackerd spinning up and eating my CPU, the
rox-filer in packages doesn't work right). I like Midori but it
doesn't work everywhere, so I keep firefox and epiphany and galeon
around (why is it that Gecko seems so much slower on OpenBSD than
Linux?). I try to use mpd but sometimes I just don't bother to set it
up locally (especially since I have a media server now), so I stick
with Totem (I hate VLC's UI and mplayer is only really any good for
one offs; totem is codewise pretty heavy but at least the interface
makes sense).

OpenBSD on the desktop feels like a lot of compromises to me :( . If I
still got off from using the command line everywhere it wouldn't be a
problem but it is.


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