
On Tue, 05.01.2010 at 12:44:49 -0800, Jeff Simmons <jsimm...@goblin.punk.net> 
> fw:$ netstat -nr

tip: netstat -rnf encap

> <results elided>
> Encap:
> Source Port Destination  Port  Proto SA(Address/Proto/Type/Direction)
> <expected ecap routes elided>
> 0/0                0     0/0                0     0   gatewayIP/50/use/in
> 0/0                0     0/0                0     0   gatewayIP/50/require/out

I've seen this routing entry, too, only _immediately_ after connect,
and am *very* interested in talking to qualified people to solve this
issue. Imho, this issue has nothing to do with Sonicwall or Cisco.

> Now, if that means what I think it means,

You think correctly.

Kind regards,

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