What the heck is your "business requirement"?  Nobody runs an OS in
prod and expects to use another OS on the same drives.

Figure out what you *NEED* rather than what you *WANT*  needless
complexity is going to kill you.   So's going for buzz words.  I love
zfs but it isn't the right thing for everything.  I love openbsd, but
it isn't the right thing all the time either.  I hate windows and it
is never the right thing, but I'm still forced to use it.

On 2/21/10, Jean-Francois <jfsimon1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks I will read.
> My problem is that the disks will be available in RAID1 for system to dump
> upon, and in case the system itself is not responsive anymore or fails to
> boot
> for a hardware reason, I need the external hard drives to be readable by a
> Linux system. But they will be mounted and used in the OpenBSD by default.
> I first wanted to use a file system usable by both OpenBSD and Linux however
> it
> looks not very much appropriate. ZFS and HFS seems not very easy to mount on
> OpenBSD, am I right ?
> I also could not easily use EXT2 with both Linux and OpenBSD, either one can
> see and mount not cannot, either the other can do but the first cannot.
> I might end with the FFS for the backup drive in the end.
> Regards
> Le Dimanche 21 FC)vrier 2010 18:23:09, Tomas Bodzar a C)crit :
>> Anyway it's quite OT :-)
>> Here two stories
>> http://leaf.dragonflybsd.org/mailarchive/users/2009-02/msg00090.html
>> http://blogs.smugmug.com/don/2008/10/10/success-with-opensolaris-zfs-mysql-
>> in-production/
>> We are still talking just about backup/storage. ZFS has a lot of
>> features and it's used for about 4 years or so in production. Hammer
>> FS don't have so much features and is "stable" for about year. btrfs
>> is for those who want to experiment. Some cons - OpenSolaris has
>> terrible dev process, but you must use dev if you want update and
>> security updates, but there is a lot of bugs in those versions.
>> Solaris is not free anymore including security updates after change in
>> rules before one week. Support for ZFS in FreeBSD is marked as
>> experimental, but it depends. So Hammer FS looks like most promising
>> regarding feature on other BSD systems (just my personal tip)
>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Jean-Francois <jfsimon1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Le Dimanche 21 FC)vrier 2010 16:11:20, vous avez C)crit :
>> >> For storage/backup you may find much more better Hammer FS or ZFS
>> >
>> > I can't find out how to make a newfs with HFS or ZFS. Are there any
>> > additional packages to install ?

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