We found your contact email from docstore.mik.ua
My name is Stephen Lee and I come from China, Hong Kong.

May I have your company purchase department contact information ?

I thought to send you details of our LCD Products, believing your business may
benefit from using them.
Also, these products design are for any business retail store, shop and

Our products are:
A. Digital LCD Display with internal media player from 19, 32, 40, and 46
inch. (use in Windows Display)
B. 7 inch LCD Player with motion Sensor (use in Goods Shelves)

These products is using in store.
Function: Promote products, Increase 20-30% sales, Attract customers and help
the customers to make decisions based on the information gained from the LCD
We can send you a market research report and products information to your
company purchase department for reference.

Thanks for your help.
I am apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Stephen YK Lee

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