Sevan / Venture37 <> writes:

> they're using called a "Whitebox" which uses a "BSD-Unix"

Their marketers apparently do not know (or do not care) that term is
15+ years out of date and used to be the focusing point of a legal
dust-up back in the days.  Not a good sign in itself, their website
(which runs on Microsoft if Netcraft is to be believed) doesn't offer
too much detail either.  It does sound rather like the 'we must appear
to be doing something fer chrissake' excercise the powers that be in
.no were trying to impose on ISPs here recently (DNS based and all).

> Anyone know more about the OS used in this system??

The marketing material at on their web site gives you enough pointers
that you could knit together a rough equivalent on anything unixlike,
including OpenBSD.  Fairly easy money once you figure out what color
schemes the johns^H^H^H^H^Hcustomers want in their web interfaces, I

- P
Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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