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APP Assessment Online

Classroom Monitor is a simple, online APP Assessment tool for primary and
secondary schools. Each teachers uses simple APP markbooks to record
pupil progress against APP criteria and assessment focuses. Classroom
Monitor works hard so that one ongoing teacher assessment feeds into:

  *  Assessment for learning - detailed next steps in pupil friendly
    speak can be shared instantly with pupils.

  * Planning - teachers can share resources, lesson plans and resources
    across the school using the markbook. More info

  * Evidence recording - As pupil's work is assessed, evidence can be
    attached to pupils' records instantly (and then shared with parent
    and pupil online). More info

  * Detailed pupil and cohort tracking information - available instantly
    including: target setting, termly tracking sheets, progress graphs

  * Online reporting to parents- teachers can note comments and
    observations from their assessment, link photos, targets and
    resources: available late 2010.

  *  Choose your phase of education using the quick links below

Click here to request your free information Pack














New Release!


Contact us


Evidence and Resources February 2010
You can now add evidence to support assessments in Classroom Monitor and
attach teaching resources to share best practice!


Arrange a no obligation in-school consultation, an online phone demo or
order a memory stick with full information pack from us.














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