On 15Mar2010 23:11, J.C. Roberts <list-...@designtools.org> wrote:
| On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 14:59:01 +1100 Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
| wrote:
| > I have the apparently common problem of CD2 (amd64) from the OpenBSD
| > distro not booting on an IBM x336. And of course there's no floppy
| > and the box won't boot off a USB device at all.
| "apparently common" ? --Never heard of it.

This is the bought amd64+macppc CD2 disc image. It seems common enough
for the shipped install instructions to suggest using the floppy image
as a boot alternative for this architecture and for me to have tripped
over this issue in the past.

For what it's worth, I've downloaded the 4.5 amd64 install45.iso image
and _it_ boots just fine. I've installed from there now.

However, if I use the amd64 disc from the bought distro, it does not
boot. I'm presuming its weird and different, perhaps doing something odd
in an attempt to also boot on a PPC system? Just guessing.

| If there is something wrong with your install media for amd64, then
| download the ISO and burn a new copy.
|  ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.6/amd64/install46.iso
| Even better, since we're right next to 4.7 release, install the
| most recent -current snapshot:
| ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/install47.iso
| Your subsequent upgrade to 4.7 -release in a month or two will go a lot
| more smoothly.

I'm actually going with 4.5 to match this machine's partner machine.

| > One of the avenues I'm considering is booting off the i386 CD1 and
| > then using the CD2 disc for the install data. Will that work, or will
| > the i386 install still load up some inappropriate i386 items (eg the
| > boot sector)?
| Why shoot yourself in the foot?

Because I was facing an install on a machine which won't boot off USB,
has no floppy and an apparently useless amd64 install CD. Hence my
desire to try getting off the ground with the i386 CD.

| A better and supported alternative is to netboot the system with
| the correct bsd.rd kernel and install the sets via ftp.

I'll try to find the time to try out such a setup at home sometime.
I was in a co-lo with few resources and some time pressure.

I'd like to thank folks for the many replies to my unusual query.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

ep0: 3c509 in test mode. Erase pencil mark!
   This means that someone has scribbled with pencil in the test area
   on the card. Erase the pencil mark and reboot. (This is not a joke).
        - OpenBSD 2.3 ep(4) ethernet drive manual entry

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