On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 5:12 PM, bofh <goodb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Would be hfs porters should also know that snow leopard (10.6) made
> further extensions to hfs+ and there can be data in a file created on
> 10.6 that even 10.5 can't see.

Yes. This is why my 10.5 system tools broke, and those third party
companies do not care to update. I have provided tech support for
MacOS far longer than I have ever cared to actually use it.

I can:
1. Learn to develop on Apple. (I'll stick with C, thanks)
2. Turn my Apple into a fink. (screw you stallman) (I'll stick with C,
3. Learn to develop on OpenBSD. (I'll stick with C, thanks)

I choose three!

(I also choose three!)

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