Where is the web server?
Is it internal or is it an external web server?

What does telnet web_server 443 and
openssl s_client -connect web_server:443
gives you?

Have you tried sniffing the traffic to see what goes wrong?

SSL should not be mattered by the firewalls, as long as
they work the way you believe they work.

Do you run any ssl proxy or http proxy somewhere?


On 25/03/10 21:19, Extra Fu wrote:
Hello everybody,

I'm reposting this message as I got no answer on this email in the
past few weeks. Maybe someone has insights on what could be wrong.

I need help regarding the following situation. I have four OpenBSD
firewalls configured to do load-balancing ( in and out) using
ip-stealth. I have two CARP interfaces (internal and external) on each
firewall. See the configuration below.

Load-balancing works perfectly for non-SSL websites but I am unable to
connect to secure websites (https). When forcing a connection to go
directly through one of the four OpenBSD server or when using only one
server, it works nicely so it's not a pf.conf issue.

Any insight on what could be wrong on the configuration would be
greatly appreciated. Here is my configuration:

Internal CARP interfaces

FW1 carp0
inet /16  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 11:0, 12:10, 13:25, 14:50

FW2 carp0
inet /16  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 11:50, 12:0, 13:10, 14:25

FW3 carp0
inet /16  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 11:25, 12:50, 13:0, 14:10

FW4 carp0
inet /16  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 11:10, 12:25, 13:50, 14:0

External CARP interfaces:

FW1 carp1
inet /27  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 21:0, 22:10, 23:25, 24:50

FW2 carp1
inet /27  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 21:50, 22:0, 23:10, 24:25

FW3 carp1
inet /27  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 21:25, 22:50, 23:0, 24:10

FW4 carp1
inet /27  balancing ip-stealth carpnodes 21:10, 22:25, 23:50, 24:0

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