Hi folks, I'm running into a bit of a routing gotcha getting two mail servers to send mail out using their own respective IP addresses. (While this involves postfix, this is not a postfix support question, it's a routing question)

What I'm trying to accomplish is this:
- two autonomous domains, each with their own mail server instance (postfix in this case) so that one domain never 'mentions' the other domain. Using one instance of postfix to relay for the 2nd domain is not an option, as domain1.com will be shown in the headers when mail is from domain2.com. The reason is that 2nd domain is a business entity and should not be associated in any way with the first.

The setup (which works fine):
- the two domains have their own external IPs, dns-wise.
- two instances of postfix listen on their respective external IPs taking mail for their domains (set in master.cf) - postfix acts as a mail gateway on the firewall, which shuffles mail to either of two instances of postfix on an internal mail server - 5 (non-contiguous) IPs are assigned to me by ADSL, so I have one physical connection, with 1 'main' IP and 4 aliases.

That works fine and dandy: two independent domains. I should mention that (some) internal traffic, depending on its origin, is NAT'd out with pf on those aliases, appearing to come from independent networks.

The problem:
- mail sent out via either instance of postfix, regardless of the master.cf setting, go out on the 'main' IP, such that mail headers appear like such:

Received: from mail.domain2.com (erratic.ca [])

The goal:
I'd prefer it to read ".. from mail.domain2.com (domain2.com [a.b.c.d])"

The untouched firewall routing table looks like this:

Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Mtu Prio Iface default UGS 322803 56410450 - 8 tun0
127/8              UGRS       0        0 33200     8 lo0
(snipping a bunch of lo0 stuff)
192.168.0/24       link#1             UC         1        0     -     4 nfe0        00:0d:60:91:5d:a4  UHLc       1    43271     -     4 nfe0
192.168.1/24       link#5             UC         2        0     -     4 sk0        00:19:5b:68:91:20  UHLc       1     7177     -     4 sk0        00:10:c6:b5:c1:72  UHLc       4   136762     -     4 sk0
192.168.2/24       link#5             UC         1        0     -     4 sk0          UGHS       0        0 33200     8 lo0
192.168.3/24       link#5             UC         0        0     -     4 sk0          UGHS       0        0 33200     8 lo0     UH         1        0  1492     4 tun0
224/4              URS        0        0 33200     8 lo0

I've tried this:
# route add a.b.c.d

but my routing-fu is not strong. That command gives all of the above, plus this:    a.b.c.d    UGHS       0        0     -     8 tun0

Of course, sending mails from domain2.com still appears from erratic.ca.

Any suggestions? Clear as mud? The firewall does not have an /etc/mygate set, and is OpenBSD 4.6-current (GENERIC) #7: Sat Jan 23 16:34:02 EST 2010, but I don't think a dmesg is of much use here.

Unrelated question: can smtpd handle this kind of funkiness? I'd like to switch to smtpd eventually if it can, but that's another project for another day.



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