Le mar 30/03/10 11:23, "Duncan Patton a Campbell" campb...@neotext.ca a
> I've got a cf card running as a secondary drive on a Sparc Ultra 5
> (Sparc64), but have not been able to get it to boot.  The cf/ide plug I am
using has
> no master/slave/cs sets and a microprocessor on it as well, which leaves me
> suspicious of it because the CF interface is sposed to be a shrunken IDE.
> The sparc boot diags (probe-ide) show no device other than an ide hdd if it
> is attached.
> Also, I have experience that IDE disks are addressable after boot if the
> CS/MS/SL is set wrong (that is they can have mountable file systems) but
will still not
> be bootable themselves, which further leads me to believe the CF card 2 IDE
plug I have
> is useless for this.
> But I mebbe barking up the wrong tree altogether here and it is just not
> doable...
> Comments/ideas anyone?

I successfully use "passive" CF2IDE adapter with Sparc U5/10. There is no
processor on theses cards : it is only a passive and mechanical adaptation
one connector to the other one. There is a few discret parts on the pcb but
only look like power regulator, pullups and LED driving components.

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