On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, Andreas Gerdd wrote:



Inside the /ports/www/php5 directory,

i made;
env FLAVORS="no_x11 no_bz2 no_curl no_gmp no_imap no_ldap
no_sybase_ct no_xmlrpc no_xsl no_zip" make install.


But i notified that the installation was installing all these packages
as well, (env FLAVORS not working?) so, i interrupted the setup with CTRL+C.

Now i would like to remove all the files it installed.
"make uninstall" says;
make: don't know how to make uninstall. Stop in /usr/ports/www/php5.
and as i know, make clean will only remove the .tgz/.tar.gz compressed files.
So how can i completely remove ALL the installed files with php5 port?

Sorry for my newbie question.

Thanks a lot.

the makefile target is called "deinstall", you would also need to
provide the same FLAVOR you used to install the original package
you want to remove now.

Ports are really just a scaffold for pkg_add and others,
so look for installed packages with pkg_info and remove them with pkg_delete.

Antti Harri

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