Am 19.05.2010 um 07:59 schrieb Guido Tschakert:

What problem are you trying to resolve?

I will clarify:

      +---+                      +------+
      |   |        +-----+       |      |
  ----+fw1+--------+ sw1 +-------+      |
 carp0|   +--+     +-+-+-+    em0|      |
      |   |  |       |           |      |
      +-+-+  |  +----+           |      |
        |    |  |                |Server|
      +-+-+  +--|------+         | fbsd |
      |   |     |      |         |      |
      |   +-----+  +-+-+-+       |      |
  ----+fw2+--------+ sw2 +-------+      |
 carp0|   |        +-----+    em1|      |
      +---+                      +------+

Server uses fw1/fw2 as default gateway(s).
Server has a bunch of IPs. I can't add these as aliases to either em0
or em1 (would be single point o failure).
I need a virtual interface, like a trunk, to which I can tie the IPs.

A trunk connects 2 hosts (AFAIK), in my case, I have 3.
I could reduce the pair fw1/fw2 to one virtual system, using 2 carp
This way, I would have a valid configuration of 2 hosts for the trunk,
with 2 interfaces on each side.

Now the question: Can I put a trunk on top of a carp?
What do you mean?

Are there other possibilities to connect the boxes with the above

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