I've used the same pf.conf for years with only minimal changes, but 4.7
 broke it, and I can't seem to fix it.

 The OBSD machine is a firwall between a cable modem and a private IP LAN.
 Previously, I used these rules to allow ssh access from specific Internet
 hosts to a machine in the LAN:

rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from $work_hosts to any port ssh -> $ssh_host
pass in quick on $ext_if proto tcp \
     from $work_hosts to $ssh_host port ssh flags S/SA modulate state

 In 4.7, I changed this to

match in on $ext_if proto tcp from $work_hosts to any port ssh rdr-to $ssh_host
pass in quick on $ext_if proto tcp \
     from $work_hosts to $ssh_host port ssh flags S/SA modulate state

 What happens now when I try to connect to $ssh_host from the Internet is quite
 - no blocked packets are logged
 - on the firewall's LAN-side interface, a tcpdump shows the ssh connection
   being forwarded to $ssh_host
 - on $ssh_host, tcpdump shows the incoming ssh connection
 - sshd on $ssh_host does not "pick up"

 I can ssh from the firewall to $ssh_host just fine; I haven't tested ssh
 from Internet to firewall (with suitable pass rule). What am I missing?
 I guess that some packet information isn't being rewritten correctly or

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