Maybe I'm getting on a bit, but I don't consider swapping operating system
to be the best option in that case. Vista may be a memory hog, but it's
usually easier in the long run to spend cash on 4GB for a laptop, than to
install and faff around with a whole new operating system..

Linux running out of space due to kernel upgrades is obviously a
configuration (hard disk partitioning) problem. Obviously I prefer BSD Unix
to Linux, but the evidence does suggest the wrong Linux distribution was
being used.

On 11 June 2010 18:16, Kevin Chadwick <> wrote:

> My mates vista didn't have enough memory and was running rediculously
> slow, he switched to Linux and it was all good but then when running
> out of space due to so many auto kernel upgrades, kde wouldn't log in.
> His bios battery went and so when his girlfriends mum pulled the plug
> on his laptop at night and he booted in the morning, linux dropped to a
> single user shell wanting fsck -fy; exit. He found setting the date
> forwards sorted it and ended up at 2021 before he got it to me to have
> a look.
> If OpenBSD ran flash and was easy for him to update he wouldn't have had
> either of those problems. Maybe freebsd or pcbsd would have suited him.
> I'm not sure.

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