Hi there.

I'm fairly new to openbsd and I'm hoping someone with better
understanding than me of how its disk handling works can help.

Beginning my effort to encrypt a 300GB drive in a 64bit Ultrasparc,
I followed these initial steps:

1. used disklabel to create a single slice "a" on the drive

2. made a file system with newfs (is it necessary to have so many
   backup superblocks?)

3. mounted sd2a on "/home/cy" and touched it with an empty file

4. zeroed out the file (and efectively the drive) with
     "dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/cy/cryptfile bs=512"

Here's the (eventual!) output of (4):

 /home/cy: write failed, file system is full
 dd: /home/cy/cryptfile: No space left on device
 576520353+0 records in
 576520352+0 records out
 295178420224 bytes transferred in 19810.722 secs (14899932 bytes/sec)

Now I have:

 # disklabel sd2a 
 # /dev/rsd2a:
 type: SCSI
 disk: SCSI disk
 label: MAW3300NC       
 flags: vendor
 bytes/sector: 512
 sectors/track: 930
 tracks/cylinder: 8
 sectors/cylinder: 7440
 cylinders: 13217
 total sectors: 585937500
 rpm: 10025
 interleave: 1
 boundstart: 0
 boundend: 585937500
 drivedata: 0 

 16 partitions:
 #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
   a:        585937200                0  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1 
   c:        585937500                0  unused


 # ls -l /home/cy
 total 576661216
 -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  295178420224 Jun 16 03:39 cryptfile


 # df -h
 Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/sd0a     1007M   44.8M    912M     5%    /
 /dev/sd0k      247G    2.0K    235G     0%    /home
 /dev/sd0d      3.9G    6.0K    3.7G     0%    /tmp
 /dev/sd0f      2.0G    559M    1.3G    29%    /usr
 /dev/sd0g     1007M    162M    795M    17%    /usr/X11R6
 /dev/sd0h      5.9G    212K    5.6G     0%    /usr/local
 /dev/sd0j      2.0G    2.0K    1.9G     0%    /usr/obj
 /dev/sd0i      2.0G    2.0K    1.9G     0%    /usr/src
 /dev/sd0e      7.9G    7.7M    7.5G     0%    /var
 /dev/sd2a      275G    275G  -13.7G   105%    /home/cy

I have no understanding of this. I've never seen a df output
that tells me I'm using 13GB more space than the drive is
capable of holding.

I ask here because there's obviously potential for me to lose
data somewhere down the line. I'll be grateful if anyone can
explain where I've gone wrong.

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