Le 18/06/2010 16:43, w...@wootsie.com a icrit :
The same issue here - with different hardware - Supermicro X8DTU and
it's built-in dual Intel 82576 nics.

Running 4.7-patch.

Fails to initialize most of the time at boot (always em1), now and
then it works (initializes and gets link after boot).  em0 rarely
fails to initialize, but also rarely negotiates the link.

Sounds similar to this bug report?

First, Hello, I'm new here ;)

In this bug report, the card is detected as 82575 while it's a 82576 and the host is running OpenBSD 4.6 amd64

We've ordered some Dell R510 with plenty of card running with 82576 chips (Some Intel ET DualPort Copper, ET QuadPort Copper and even a EF DualPort fiber). I'm pretty sure we'll have the same problem with thoses cards. They are not delivered yet but the goal was to replace some old firewalls and with such a problem it's no gonna be funny ;( We are ready to help/test all patch you guys can deliver since we'll get almost the whole products using 82576 chips (Only the Quad Port Fiber EF will be missing)

Somebody knows if this problem only happends on Intel X58/5500/5600 chipsets ? Did somebody tried the i386 version of OpenBSD 4.7 ?

Another question, I browsed source code of the freebsd project and it looks like they use a dedicated drivers for the 82575 and 82576 cards aka igb(4). Excuse my newbiness ;) but why is the driver for thoses card integrated inside em(4) in openbsd ?


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