We are trying to install URLfilterDB on OpenBSD 4.7 but while doing a ./configure we keep getting.....

./configure --with-bz2-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-ssl-lib=/usr/lib/
checking for library containing pthread_create... -lpthread
checking for BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress in -lbz2... yes
checking for SSL_load_error_strings in -lssl... no

** The OpenSSL library is required for ufdbGuard to compile.
Install the openssl and openssl-devel packages from the installation media,
   or use the --with-ssl-lib option.

   Alternatively, get OpenSSL from http://www.openssl.org
   Use --with-ssl=DIR or --with-ssl-lib=DIR to specify
   its location. (default is /usr)

We have downloaded and installed OpenSSL and have tried various paths to the ssl library but because we don't know what the files actually called we don't know if we are setting it correctly. Does anyone know exactly what the library would be called and where it should be or maby just give us a clue as to how to find out.


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