On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Matthieu Herrb <mhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 10:29 AM, patrick keshishian <pkesh...@gmail.com>
>> hmm.. I'm leaning towards this being a problem with X now. I'm seeing
>> very rare, transient artifacts with my WM's menu (pic added to URL
>> below). I also have noticed horizontal "distortion" line through my
>> desktop background images (forcing a redraw of same image clears the
>> "distortion").
>> On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 2:24 PM, patrick keshishian <pkesh...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> With macppc snapshot install from Aug 3rd I was able to, once again,
>>> run firefox (v 3.6.8). But there are some drawing glitches in the UI.
>>> The Gimp port finally finished building and it too is demonstrating
>>> similar artifacts. They resemble the color shifts one would see when
>>> using apps that install their own colormap, but not quite.
>>> I'm not certain if this is an X issue or if the problem is at a higher
>>> level in the app or the toolkit (gtk+2). I don't run many X apps, the
>>> few others (wmapm, xv image viewer, xpdf) have much simpler UI
>>> interfaces and don't show issues.
>>> I placed three screen shots demonstrating the "glitch" over here:
>>>    http://sidster.com/scratch/glitch/
>>> With firefox and gmail interface as an example, you see the outline of
>>> check-boxes aren't drawn. If I roll-over them with the pointer they
>>> redraw but once the pointer is moved away they disappear. But if I
>>> check one of them (as shown), the outline for that check-box and all
>>> check-boxes below it remain drawn.
>>> Also included are dmesg[1], X log and conf.
>>> Any ideas as to the cause?
>>> I am assuming no one is having issues with -current and associated
>>> ports on other platforms. I'm just not sure how many others use macppc
>>> -current on a daily basis.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --patrick
>>> [1] Possibly not relevant, but it's my first time seeing this:
>>> attempting to restore vector in use vecproc 0 veccpu 6b0ff0
> Try without 'Option "AccelMethod" "EXA" in xorg.conf.

You win a cookie. I thought I have always had that on, but a quick
search through archives shows that at least in April time-frame
snapshot I had it commented out.

Thanks for the pointer.

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