Tomas Vavrys wrote on Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 09:52:57AM +0200:

> I don't want to do it

Don't talk about what you want to do, just do it.
When it's done, tell people to look at the *result*
and decide whether it is useful or useless.

Shut up and hack.

> 2) STYLE(9) will be our bible

The style(9) manual is not a bible.  Sometimes, it is not followed
for good reasons.  You still need common sense.  Besides, it is
rarely updated.

Oh, and also note that "OpenBSD and vim" is a weird topic.
"OpenBSD and nvi" or "OpenBSD and mg" would seem more natural.
On the other hand, some people (including Marco) apparently
like the topic, so it may be useful.  But don't feel
disappointed if many people completely ignore your effort
because you are focussing on a non-standard combination.

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