On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:59 PM, Nick Holland
<n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
> On 08/12/10 13:26, Mark Bucciarelli wrote:
>>      boot> disable acpi
> What's this about?

Tilting at windmills.

> I take it you are PXE booting because you don't have the lower thingie
> which has the floppy and CD for this machine


> If you can't do that, could you do an sha256 against your tftp-delivered
> bsd.rd and see if it matches that on the FTP server?

Checked out ok.

> Have you successfully used your tftp server for anything else?

I successfully fetched the pxeboot file and diff said the two
were equal.

> Failing that, how about booting with a "boot bsd.rd -c" at the "boot>"
> prompt, then doing a "disable apm" then "quit"

Same behavior.

Igor S. suggested upgrading the ancient bios, but I'm leery
of that with no bootable cd, no floppy, and no usb boot.
I can't have the laptop stop working.  I suspect pxeboot/tftpd
is a red herring and it's the bios.

Anyway, thanks for all your efforts.


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