Am 20.09.2010 19:54, schrieb James Peltier:
> I see you are using LACP as your trunk protocol.  You might want to check 
> that 
> all the LACP settings are correct or that there aren't any links being 
> dropped 
> for some reason that might cause the errors to occur.  Additionally, have you 
> tried with only one link in the LACP pairs being active?  Does it stop then?

Just tried that. There is not much I can configure for LACP. On the
switch I see no errors.

I've now pulled one cable so that only on interface in the trunk is
active. The problem is still existing. Ierrs on the interfaces (mostly
em2) (btw. there are no ifq.drops)
It seems to me that some buffers are running full. As now when there is
low traffic there is only a small amount of errors (about 150 in 5minutes)

Are there any other knobs I could try to tune?

Regards Andri

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