On 22 September 2010 15:29, Rikky Taylor <rikkytay...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> I was after some general advice. I need to setup a routing firewall with 3
> interfaces, moderate traffic and a fair amount of NAT'ing in the rules.

Define a "fair amount of NAT'ing". Twenty machines in one class C,
multiple class B networks filled to capacity...?

Also, I would define "moderate traffic". To some here, multiple
gigabit links is moderate, to others moderate may be ten workstations
as general web/email clients.

> Given identical modern server hardware would I expect a performance difference
> between an OpenBSD/PF setup and a Linux/IPTables one?

Again, it depends on the number of clients, the hardware being used,
type of traffic, Linux distribution (Debian or Gentoo will typically
yield better performance out-of-the-box than RHEL, Ubuntu, CentOS,
etc) and various other factors.

Basically, more information is needed for an informed decision but the
answer will almost certainly be yes, you'll see a performance
difference and it will be in favour of OpenBSD + pf.


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