Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:13:47AM -0500, Anony (chicken) Mous may have written:

> Thank you so much for all your kind help Mathew & Joachim, I have
> used a hybrid of both your configuration and things are working
> accept for DNS I have put a public OpenDNS (
> servers in my /etc/resolv.conf to overcome this? Any advice on
> fixing that would be appreciated.

[ snip ]

I can't speak from personal experience because I run a local name server
on that machine and have "" in its /etc/resolv.conf, but look up
the "enable dns" and "resolv" commands in the ppp(8) manual page.  Some
combination of those should be able to get ppp automatically updating
/etc/resolv.conf when you connect.


P.S.  It was pointed out to me in private mail that I had an error in my
first reply.  The Kyocera KPC650 is a CardBus, not PCMCIA, card.
"Perfection [in design] is achieved not when there is nothing left to add,
but rather when there is nothing left to take away."
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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