> > I installed the 2 October snapshot yesterday, and after the reboot got a 
> > panic.
> > 
> > I booted again from the RAMdisk kernel, point to the 3 October snaphot and 
> > ignored the hash mismatch, and panicked again.  Trace and ps for each below.
> You are mixing a recent snapshot and an lkm which has been compiled for
> an older kernel. You will need to recompile your lkm for it to work with
> the current snapshots. If you can't recompile it, then you'll have to
> stick to the kernel it was compiled for.

And even then, since it is code from other people, it still might have a
bug in it regarding the malloc flags -- either of those is now required,
as the assert says.

I should probably ask -- did you even read the panic?  Is the wording
too poor to understand (and thus result in peeking at the code) or is
the problem above the keyboard?

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