You are aware that US customs is regularly seizing laptop hard drives of people 
who enter the US, copying them, and returning them at a future date?  This was 
challenged in court and naturally the government won their case. 

This is such a problem that some companies are mailing hard drives, instead of 
having people transport them on planes.  Not that customs would stop at copying 
a mailed hard disk, but the chance that they bother to even look at a package 
is slim.

Scott McEachern [] wrote:
>  On 10/06/10 12:50, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >
> >Then you may be detained next time you attempt to travel
> >internationally.
> >
> >You are free to stay at home, though.
> >
> I'm not trying to be a wise-acre here, I agree with Theo 100%.  I
> doubt anyone wants to be screwed by customs (anywhere) due to
> licencing issues.  I also don't doubt that customs would dig deep to
> find "dirt" if they really wanted to.
> My question is: Has it ever happened to anyone?
> Has anyone actually had a customs agent say "Wait a minute, you're
> using /foo/ OS.  You can't be crossing our border."
> No flames please; I'm just curious.  I realize the distinction here
> is between it not being possible (OpenBSD) and theoretically
> possible (FreeBSD).

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hippocrates

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