On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:01:17AM +0000, Jay K wrote:
> > You can get almost the same thing by setting "PasswordAuthentication" to
> "no"
> > in your sshd_config file, and hand out empty or ridiculously simple
> passwords
> > for the console (honestly, who would forget "yermomsawhore" as a
> password?).
> How do I limit their use to the console?
> If say I ssh in as non-root and then login root?

Turn off sudo and don't put users you don't want to have root in the
wheel group.

I find what you want to be questionable though.

Fortune's graffito of the week (or maybe even month):

                Don't Write On Walls!

                   (and underneath)

                You want I should type?

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