[IMAGE] Newsletter for Tuesday, October 26
"The latest top stories around the world, right to your inbox."

• Cholera Outbreak Hits Haiti, Leaves 250 Dead
AP Oct. 22: A man suffering from cholera symptoms lies on the floor of
the hospital in Marchand Dessalines, Haiti. ST. MARC, Haiti   A cholera
outbreak that already has left 250 people dead and more than 3,000
sickened is at the doorstep of an enormous...... Read more ;

• Meditation change brains for better? Read more ;

• Crist, Meek Gang Up on Rubio in Florida Senate Debate Read more ;

• Analysis: G-20 words on currency must bring action Read more ;

• Italy town bans miniskirts that are too mini Read more ;

• Could You Live on the 'Jennifer Aniston Diet?' Read more ;

• To see the more of the latest news, go to http://TheNewsNetwork.us

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