On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 3:12 PM,  <bsdmas...@hushmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am currently starting my very own hosting business,
> as I'm horribly tired of all the incompetence in the
> field. Obviously I take security seriously, and therefore
> will be using OpenBSD exclusively.
> One thing is bothering me though. I've searched the web
> and the archives trying to clarify one single point, but
> to no avail. I hope you friendly folks would help me.
> I want to host my customers websites, but I'm unclear
> how OpenBSD web scripting languages support works. I know
> for a fact that the base system includes perl, so hosting
> perl websites should work without issues. That is good because
> many of my customers will be using domains such as domain.pl
> I also see Mono is part of the ports, so domain.net should
> also work without issue.
> The one thing I'm unclear about is example.com domains.
> How can I get OpenBSD to run .com files? I found that these
> are actualy very old DOS binaries. How do other OpenBSD folks
> manage them? Is it with Wine? Qemu running a stripped down XP?
> Of course I could write a very good .COM wrapper for ELF I guess,
> but I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so if a solution already
> exists, I better use it.
> So, what is this solution? Or maybe OpenBSD is not compatible yet
> with .COM web applications?
> PS: by the way, I am ready to offer the OpenBSD project a very good
> discount, so maybe it's a good idea to move all the hosting of the
> project to my new company once I've ironed out the few remaining
> details.
> Service will be very good, high bandwidth and very modern, being
> IPv6 only
> (it's the new version of DHCP and DNS with more addresses for your
> machines),
> so very future-proof. Just contact me if you need more information.
> Thanks,
> bsdmaster


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