An earlier post to misc@ made me look into diskmap(4), but the man page
seems to be missing:

This was a fresh install from CD:
# uname -a
OpenBSD srv000.home.lan 4.8 GENERIC.MP#335 amd64
# man diskmap
man: no entry for diskmap in the manual.
# ls /dev/diskmap

This was an upgrade from CD:
gw:remco$ uname -a
OpenBSD gw.home.lan 4.8 GENERIC#136 i386
gw:remco$ man diskmap
man: no entry for diskmap in the manual.
gw:remco$ ls /dev/diskmap

I don't know if this is the right way to look for the man page, but this comes 
up empty:
gw:OpenBSD$ tar tzf 4.8/i386/man48.tgz |grep diskmap
gw:OpenBSD$ tar tzf 4.8/amd64/man48.tgz |grep diskmap

The on-line manual doesn't really make it clear to me on how to use this
either. (

The only "documentation" I was able to find is:

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