fwiw, in -current, USB attach order should be quite predictable.  there
are no longer multiple threads attaching USB devices.  attachment is
now done in a single thread, and it is done in the same order every

of course, if you change which USB ports the devices are connected to
between boots, or disconnect/reconnect while booted then the order
might change.

On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 08:37:37PM +0800, Marcus wrote:
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq1.html#WhatsNew
> says:
> diskmap(4) interface
> People using USB attached storage or softraid(4) configurations often
> had difficulty with drive identifiers changing from boot to boot, or
> between hardware configurations. diskmap(4) allows you to mount drives
> by unique disklabel UIDs rather than how they are attached, so now you
> can use the same /etc/fstab on your USB flash disk without worrying
> wheter it would come up as sd0, sd1 sd2, etc.
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#flashmemLive
> says:
> If your target machine has an ahci(4) or SCSI interface, you will
> probably find your USB drive's identifier changing. Having multiple
> versions of your /etc/fstab file may make this easier to "fix" (in
> single user mode).
> -------Question
> Would somebody rewrite  #flashmemLive section for the diskmap interface 
> change?
> or how to edit the /etc/fstab  for live USB device without worrying
> wheter it would come up as sd0, sd1 sd2, etc.

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