On Thu, 25.11.2010 at 14:29:39 +0000, Michal <mic...@sharescope.co.uk> wrote:
> >Because your setup should rather look like this?
> >
> >Internet --- switch --- host1 --- switch --- LAN
> >                   + --- host2 ----+
> This is what I was trying to get at...the way you draw your diagram,
> I can't understand what your trying to do with carp if you have
> internet -- host1 -- host2

I have a low-resources application running on host2 which I'd like to
be available at all times, but would prefer to not have it on host1 in

I also have

> >Internet --- switch --- host1 --- switch --- LAN
> >                  + --- host3 ----+

but this is not very relevant in this context. Ok, a better picture
would be

Internet --- switch --- host1 --- switch --- host2
                  + --- host3 ----+

Kind regards,

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