just for the record (for future googlers):
I dusted off my CD, tried again; no luck.
while still in the installer (set installation phase):
-removed CD
-copied the /4.8/i386 directory from CD onto a flash drive on another machine
-replaced CD and plugged in usb
-pointed the installer to the usb directory
this was by far the quickest, easiest workaround; thank you Raimo.

just a bit of extra verbosity:
I had the OS set to "OTHER" in BIOS, and kernel panicked (bsd.mp). Set
the BIOS to LINUX and it boots. That's just a comment though, not
looking for help on this, and not assuming this workaround is exactly
successful until I can read up on it.

thank you all for the replies. had I more time I would have turned
this into a "science project". over and out.


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