On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Joe Snikeris <j...@snikeris.com> wrote:
> I was experiencing frequent freezes after resuming from suspend on my
> Thinkpad X40.  It would happen intermittently when suspending from X.
> Upon resuming, I would be at the first virtual terminal and could type
> things, but pressing enter would do nothing.  Attempting to switch to
> another virtual terminal would lock up the machine, requiring a
> reboot.
> This Thinkpad has an option in the bios called Redisafe which prepares
> the hibernate file before suspending, and is supposed to be safer.
> Disabling this option fixed this issue.

For the sake of someone searching for a similar issue, it turns out
that Redisafe wasn't the issue here.  I'm still experiencing this
behavior and I haven't figured out what it is due to.  I've tried
disabling ACPI, but that didn't resolve it either.

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