On Sat, Jan 08, 2011 at 09:50:36PM +0100, Pieter Verberne wrote:
>lilium$ qemu -no-kqemu -nographic -serial stdio obsd.img
>[this time no "could not open serial device 'stdio'" error, but no
>further output. Is there any way to catch the output?]
>lilium$ qemu -no-kqemu -nographic -serial
>telnet:localhost:1200,server obsd.img
>QEMU waiting for connection on: localhost:1200,server
>[Sweet, it waits for me]
>lilium$ telnet localhost 1200
>Connected to localhost.
>Escape character is '^]'.

You have serial console setup? Do you have console enabled in

What's wrong with VNC?

>I would also love to use Virtualbox on OpenBSD, but I can imagine that
>porting Vbox takes a lot of work.

You dream a lot about this crap.


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