On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Frank Bax <f...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Why not reuse existing functionality? B Add your lynx command (which
> downloads file) to a crontab; then add filename to /etc/changelist
> I've sometimes thought it would be nice to have the 'changelist' code
> extracted from /etc/security to a separate script so user-defined changes
> could be emailed to users other than root. B Coding this is beyond my
> capabilities. B I think this new script would need three parameters:
> B  B  B  B - /etc/changelist B  B  B  [list of files]
> B  B  B  B - /var/backups B  B  B  B  B [dir for .backup and .current
> B  B  B  B - root B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B  B [user to receive email
> For an adventurous coder; perhaps /etc/changelist would allow url's to
> monitor remote webpages.

probably because in practice root's mail gets redirected to another
user, so the need to have that as a separate script is low

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