Hello all,

It is me again :)

I have two questions about OpenSMTPd configuration update.
First is about updating tables.

I have a table named "mytable". When I do :

# smtpctl update table mytable
command succeeded
# smtpctl update table mytaable
command succeeded

For the latter, I get "warn: Lookup table not found: "mytaable"" in the
Shouldn't smtpctl notify that the table is inexistent ?

My second question is about re-scheduling an envelope after a
configuration change. Let's say I have such a smtpd.conf :
listen on all
accept for domain "example.com" deliver to mbox
accept for any relay

I send a mail to de...@example.org, it will get relayed. If the
destination server is down, the mail will enqueued and retried later.

Then I decide that example.org is local, I reload OpenSMTPd with this
smtpd.conf :
listen on all
accept for domain { example.com, example.org } deliver to mbox
accept for any relay

If I launch "smtpctl schedule all", OpenSMTPd will try to send it
remotely again.
How to tell OpenSMTPd it should deliver it locally now ?


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