On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 08:21:29PM +0100, Martin Kropfinger wrote:
> Hi,
> now that my OpenSMTPd is running I would like to use procmail to sort
> my incomming mails in folders.
> I know I can just set "deliver to mda "/path/to/procmail" to get it
> done. But in procmailrc you can set the variables "SENDMAIL" and
> "SENDMAILFLAGS" to point to sendmail. In this case there is no active
> sendmail but OpenSMTPd.
> Do I have to set there something special? I know this is a
> procmail-specific question, but as beeing related to OpenSMTPd I asked
> it here. Sorry if this bothers you.
> Thanks Martin

I don't really understand the issue :-)

Gilles Chehade

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