User gilles has just rebuilt a portable snapshot, available from:


  SHA256 (opensmtpd-201402071603p1.tar.gz) =

A summary of the content of this snapshot is available below.

Please test and let us know if it breaks something!

If this snapshot doesn't work, please also test with a previous one,
to help us spot where the issue is coming from. You can access all
previous snapshots here:

The OpenSMTPD team ;-)

Summary of changes since last snapshot (opensmtpd-201401311424p1):

Move the filter infrastructure and API forward !

Filters are not enabled yet and will not work but transaction data
now passes through the filter process as they should when filters
are plugged.

We did some intensive stress-testing but we need to make sure this
has not introduced regressions, please test heavily !

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