Le 5 mars 2014 à 18:10, Gilles Chehade <gil...@poolp.org> a écrit :

> can you start smtpd with -dv -T lookup -T table ?
> this should provide a bit more information about the ldap lookup

# smtpd -dv -T lookup -T table                             
debug: init ssl-tree
info: OpenSMTPD 5.4.2 starting
debug: bounce warning after 4h
debug: using "fs" queue backend
debug: using "ramqueue" scheduler backend
debug: using "ram" stat backend
info: startup [debug mode]
debug: queue: done loading queue into scheduler
debug: parent_send_config_ruleset: reloading
debug: parent_send_config_mfa: reloading
debug: parent_send_config: configuring smtp
TABLE "<anydestination>" type=LIST config=""
TABLE "<anyhost>" type= config=""
TABLE "<dynamic:0>" type=LIST config=""
TABLE "<getpwnam>" type=DYNAMIC config=""
TABLE "<localhost>" type= config=""
TABLE "<localnames>" type=LIST config=""
TABLE "aliases" type=DYNAMIC config="/etc/mail/aliases.db"
TABLE "relay-hosts" type=DYNAMIC config="/etc/mail/relay-hosts.db"
TABLE "virtual-domains" type=DYNAMIC config="/etc/mail/virtual-domains.db"
TABLE "virtual-users" type=DYNAMIC config="/usr/libexec/smtpd/table-ldap 
mfa: building simple chains...
mfa: building complex chains...
mfa: done building complex chains
mfa: done building default chain
debug: mfa ready
debug: table-ldap: reading key "url" -> "ldap://";
debug: table-ldap: reading key "username" -> "cn=email,ou=users,dc=local"
debug: table-ldap: reading key "password" -> "vierge"
debug: table-ldap: reading key "basedn" -> "dc=local"
debug: table-ldap: reading key "userinfo_filter" -> 
debug: table-ldap: parsing attribute "userinfo_attributes" (4) -> "mail"
debug: table-ldap: reading key "credentials_filter" -> 
debug: table-ldap: parsing attribute "credentials_attributes" (2) -> 
debug: table-ldap: reading key "alias_filter" -> 
debug: table-ldap: parsing attribute "alias_attributes" (1) -> "mail"
debug: table-ldap: done reading config
debug: table-ldap: ldap server accepted credentials
debug: table-ldap: connected
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:fe80::20c:29ff:fe08:7d50%em0 port 25 flags 0x0 pki 
debug: smtp: listen on port 25 flags 0x0 pki ""
debug: smtp: listen on port 25 flags 0x0 pki ""
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:fe80::1%lo0 port 25 flags 0x0 pki ""
debug: smtp: listen on IPv6:::1 port 25 flags 0x0 pki ""
debug: smtp: will accept at most 500 clients
debug: smtpd: scanning offline queue...
debug: smtpd: offline scanning done
debug: smtp: new client on listener: 0x98551cb9000
smtp-in: New session ce7f1f365cb16f30 from host []
lookup: check "" as NETADDR in table static:<localhost> -> 0
lookup: check "" as NETADDR in table db:relay-hosts -> found
lookup: check "foo.net" as DOMAIN in table static:<anydestination> -> found
debug: 0x9854d6bd000: end of message, msgflags=0x0000
smtp-in: Accepted message 30972eb5 on session ce7f1f365cb16f30: 
from=<j...@carnat.net>, to=<j...@foo.net>, size=5, ndest=1, proto=SMTP
debug: scheduler: evp:30972eb53e98e2d4 scheduled (mta)
debug: mta: received evp:30972eb53e98e2d4 for <j...@foo.net>
debug: mta: draining [relay:foo.net] refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta: querying MX for [relay:foo.net]...
debug: mta: [relay:foo.net] waiting for MX
debug: MXs for domain foo.net: preference 10
debug: mta: ... got mx (0x98545ea7420, foo.net, [relay:foo.net])
debug: mta: draining [relay:foo.net] refcount=1, ntask=1, nconnector=0, nconn=0
debug: mta: querying source for [relay:foo.net]...
debug: mta: ... got source for [relay:foo.net]: []
debug: mta: new [connector:[]->[relay:foo.net],0x10000]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:foo.net],0x0]
debug: mta-routing: searching new route for 
debug: mta-routing: selecting candidate route [] <->
debug: mta-routing: spawning new connection on [] <->
debug: mta: 0x985504b5c00: spawned for relay [relay:foo.net]
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:foo.net],0x0]
debug: mta: cannot use [relay:foo.net] before 2s
debug: mta-routing: no route available for [connector:[]->[relay:foo.net],0x0]: 
must wait a bit
debug: mta: retrying to connect on [connector:[]->[relay:foo.net],0x0] in 2s...
debug: mta: draining [relay:foo.net] refcount=3, ntask=1, nconnector=1, nconn=1
debug: mta: scheduling relay [relay:foo.net] in 1s...
smtp-out: Connecting to smtp+tls:// (bagheera.local.) on 
session a477a901ccc2e17c...
debug: smtp: new client on listener: 0x98551cb9000
smtp-out: Connected on session a477a901ccc2e17c
smtp-in: New session ce7f1f374e6767ab from host bagheera.local. []
debug: mta-routing: route [] <-> (bagheera.local.) is now valid.
debug: mta: connecting with [connector:[]->[relay:foo.net],0x20000]
debug: mta: canceling connector timeout
debug: mta: enough connections already
debug: mta: 0x985504b5c00: handling next task for relay [relay:foo.net]
lookup: check "" as NETADDR in table static:<localhost> -> found
lookup: check "foo.net" as DOMAIN in table static:<dynamic:0> -> found
debug: table_ldap_internal_query: 
filter=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(mail=j...@foo.net)), ret=1
Segmentation fault 
warn: table-proc: pipe closed
fatal: table-proc: exiting
warn: smtp -> lka: pipe closed
warn: queue -> lka: pipe closed
warn: mda -> lka: pipe closed
warn: mta -> lka: pipe closed
warn: control -> lka: pipe closed
warn: scheduler -> queue: pipe closed
warn: parent -> lka: pipe closed
warn: mfa -> control: pipe closed

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