On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:10:10PM +0200, Denis Fondras wrote:
> Hi,


> I'd like some explanation on how opensmtpd works as a backup mx. I use
> opensmtpd-201405202105p1 compiled myself on Debian7.

Can you share the configuration file ?
I'm not sure I understand what happens.

> First I had "accept from any for domain "dom.fr" relay backup" in my
> config file. But after a few minutes I get a message back complaining
> that there is a loop.
> No, this can't be. mx1 (weight 5) isn't the same as mx2 (weight 10).

Without the log it's tricky to debug but I'll throw a guess here:

Is your machine named "mx2.backdom.fr" ?

If you use:

     accept [...] relay backup

OpenSMTPD will do a MX lookup and try to find a MX that matches its own
hostname to determine its own weight. If your local hostname isn't in 
the list of entries returned, it will assume a very very low weight and
will assume any of the results in the MX lookup are ok to deliver to.

> So I went with "accept from any for domain "dom.fr" relay backup
> mx2.backdom.fr" so it never tries to deliver to mx2 again (if I get the
> man right).

Actually, that's not exactly what it means.

It means "Nevermind my real hostname, I'm the backup mx2.backdom.fr" and
so it'll pickup the weight of mx2.backdom.fr.

This is equivalent to having:

     accept [...] relay backup

if your hostname is mx2.backdom.fr

> Why do I have to specify the mx, what is the point ? From my point of
> view, a backup mx MUST (as in RFC MUST) always try to deliver to a lower
> pref mx thank itself and keep it until it can deliver (or timeout).

You are right about what a backup MX must do and this is what it does as
far as no bug is concerned.

As for why you must specify the MX, this is simple:

OpenSMTPD cannot guess what backup MX it is supposed to be unless it has
the name it operates under. So it has two strategies:

    1- either use its own local name (`hostname`)
    2- or use a name you declare in the configuration file

You're not required to declare a name in the configuration file but then
your system must be configured so that 1- is valid.

> So after adding the mx to backup, I don't have the loop-error but
> opensmtpd tries to deliver not to mx1.domain.tld but to domain.tld
> (which doesn't exist). I had to add a A record to have mails delivered.

That's strange, it typically attempts domain.tld if it fails to find any
valid MX to handle the mail.

> $ host dom.fr
> dom.fr mail is handled by 5 mx1.dom.fr.
> dom.fr mail is handled by 10 mx2.backdom.fr.
> dom.fr mail is handled by 15 mx3.backdom2.fr.

The configuration file and logs are very important to debug this, there
is so much we can guess :-p

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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