
after updating to opensmtpd-devel-201405202105_1,1 on FreeBSD I always get "550 Invalid recipient" when an email is being send to the server, no matter if the recipient is local or virtual.

Sending mails works however, just receiving is impossible.

Already tried to rollback to the previous version but that also fails now for whatever reason.

I hope you can help.


# cat /usr/local/etc/mail/smtpd.conf
# This is the smtpd server system-wide configuration file.
# See smtpd.conf(5) for more information.

# certificates
pki mail.XXX.org ca "/etc/ssl/certs/CAcert.crt"
pki mail.XXX.org certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/mail.XXX.org.crt"
pki mail.XXX.org key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.XXX.org.key"

# tables
table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
table ldap ldap:/usr/local/etc/mail/ldap.conf
table ldap.virtusertable file:/usr/local/etc/mail/ldap.virtusertable

# listeners
listen on lo0 tls pki mail.XXX.org
listen on lo0 port 587 tls-require pki mail.XXX.org auth
listen on lo0 port 10028 tag DKIM

# routing
accept from any for domain <ldap> virtual <ldap.virtusertable> deliver to mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail -f -"
accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox
accept tagged DKIM for any relay
accept for any relay via smtp://

debug: smtp: new client on listener: 0x673b88
smtp: 0x802490000: STATE_NEW -> STATE_CONNECTED
smtp-in: New session 9ee6a70077015346 from host 0@localhost [local]
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 220 localhost ESMTP OpenSMTPD
smtp: 0x802490000: <<< EHLO localhost
smtp: 0x802490000: STATE_CONNECTED -> STATE_HELO
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250-localhost Hello localhost [local], pleased to meet you
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250-8BITMIME
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250-SIZE 36700160
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250-DSN
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250 HELP
smtp: 0x802490000: <<< MAIL FROM:<r...@de01.xxx.org>
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 250 2.0.0: Ok
smtp: 0x802490000: <<< RCPT TO:<r...@de01.xxx.org>
debug: table_ldap: ldap_query: filter=(&(objectClass=rFC822localPart)(dc=de01.XXX.org)), ret=1
debug: aliases_virtual_get: 'root' resolved to 1 nodes
debug: aliases_get: returned 1 aliases
smtp: 0x802490000: >>> 550 Invalid recipient
smtp-in: Failed command on session 9ee6a70077015346: "RCPT TO:<r...@de01.xxx.org> " => 550 Invalid recipient
smtp-in: Received disconnect from session 9ee6a70077015346
debug: smtp: 0x802490000: deleting session: disconnected

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